However, I didn't jump onto the salmon colored linen quite yet. While I'm anxious to have all four tunics done and sent off, I just had to take a day to do something else...just so my brain doesn't go completely buggy...and I needed something to do at the Baronial business meeting that didn't involve crawling on the floor or taking up an entire table for cutting, so I took my green Anglo Saxon tunic and penciled out the embroidery design on it. I had a few people look over my shoulder and ask what I was doing, and little ooo's and aaaah's (although it was just pencil; they hadn't seen my attempt at embroidery yet). To further complicate things, I had a quilting customer call me up with an urgent project to finish before the baby shower this Saturday. I had to squeeze that in along with a meeting with another client today.
I received my judging forms from the Tourney Garb contest in the mail today. While overall, I'm satisfied, I think that they judged a little harshly in a couple areas. There were some good points made on how I can improve (like providing more documentation, doing a better bibliography, consulting new & better sources, etc.), and now that I have a copy of the judging form, I can base my next entries on that to make sure I hit all the points they're looking for. One item that I think I was judged too harshly on was something about providing too few items--I had a linen tunic, a wool tunic, a hood and pants (granted, I didn't make the pants, but it was a hand-me-down, which was also period). Four pieces. How many more should I have added? A coif? Belt? Shoes? Sorry, I'm not making itty-bitty shoes for my son who will grow out of them before I finish. "Uggs would suffice," it said, but I let him wear his sandals because it was hot. They were dark blue/black, at least, not day-glow orange. Maybe I'll see if I can make him some leather open-topped sandals, although they would not have been Swedish--they were found in German and Danish digs. I'll have to see of Hroswytha still has copies of the patterns that she used to sell in her bookshop.
Off to bed.
The stitching looks very nice. Good job.